Saturday, October 31, 2009

Mayonnaise Cake

In honor of Halloween, a freaky little cake that is actually quite yum!

It is not my own recipe, but one I felt was worthy of taking on in a baking adventure.

People either love mayonnaise or they hate it. I am firmly planted in the former camp. I love it. I think its original intrigue for me arose from the fact that I wasn't allowed to have it when I was a kid. But my dad would have it with his steak and I even remember the first time I got to have a little try. O...M...G.

Loved it! Tangy, rich, smooth, and forbidden... like the boy your parents warned you about.

The cake, actually called "Easy Chocolate Cake," has a history as being one you should be able to whip up with ingredients just lying around in your pantry. Flour? Check. Sugar? Check. Baking soda? Check. Salt? Check. Cocoa powder and good chocolate? Check and CHECK (always). Mayonnaise? Oh but yes check. Egg (just one)? Check. And vanilla? Check.

Here it is: