Saturday, April 23, 2011

No Slack S'more Bars

One of my brothers is in the Army as a soldier in the 101st Airborne Division. While he was stationed over in Afghanistan, I would send him s'more cookie bars about every other week. He reported back that they were the hit of the battalion! In honor of these brave soldiers, I have renamed these world famous (!) cookie bars the No Slack S'more Bars, after their battalion.

In the words of my brother to his Facebook universe:
"Because the best thing to come in the mail starts with cookie dough, followed by some chocolate and peanut butter, then marshmallows (or marshmallow cream), topped off with more cookie dough. Baked in the oven and sliced into individual treats. Wrapped in foil and love with a funny picture and sent halfway around the world. I freaking love my sister...."

The recipe is adapted from Hershey's. By request, I also created a variation that featured white chocolate and peanut butter, sandwiched between graham cracker cookie dough (obviously, not pictured here). 

While I missed my brother dearly when he was overseas, I am so thankful that he is on his way home. However, if you have a soldier that you would like to send these treats to, drop me a comment or fill out the "Contact the Author" form on the left.